Denis Politsarnov photo

Denis Politsarnov

Junior Frontend Developer

Contact info

  • Phone: +7 (905) 274-75-55
  • E-mail:
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About me

Successful design engineer with more than 10 years of professional experience, who has grew up from an engineer of the 3rd category, to the head of the group. Seeking a career change to a position involving web development.



Tools for MMO game “Eve online”: Interactive diagram, visualization of production reactions chain Game text data parser. Parsed data is displayed in a convenient table. Tool provides export to Google Sheets (default example allows to evaluate the functionality without entering data)

Code example

Given a list of integers and a single sum value, return the first two values (parse from the left please) in order of appearance that add up to form the sum.

          const sum_pairs=function(ints, s){
            let hash = {};
            for (let i = 0; i < ints.length; i++) {
              const add = s - ints[i];
              if (hash[add] >= 0) {
                return [add, ints[i]];
              if (!hash[ints[i]]) {
                hash[ints[i]] = i;

Employment history

04.2016-current time: freelance, APCS design

12.2004-03.2016: Open Joint Stock Company «North West Power Engineering Center» ОАО «СевЗап НТЦ» ПЦ «Севзапэнергосетьпроект»
Started as an engineer of the 3rd category, grew to the head of the group (department of design of industrial control systems). Design of automated process control systems, dispatching, telemechanics and ASCME for high-voltage electrical substations


2000-2006 гг: Saint Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation (SUAI). Engineer of “Automated Systems of Information Processing and Management” specialty

Foreign languages
